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The Green Green Grass of Home

Aromas, California, earthquake country. Just had a couple good kaboom shakers a couple days ago! These pics pinpoint the exact spot. What an interesting life I lead. Standing in my kitchen, I heard/felt a BIG SLAM! I wondered if someone had crashed their car into the front of my house. But, a few seconds later, another SLAM. Well, of course a little quake. My, but it was a noisy one for only a 3 pointer. But if you're standing right over it, of course you feel it!

Note: photos by me


  1. I totally understand about those SMALL quakes. I was visiting out in Southern California (Newbury Park to be exact!) about a year after the Northridge quake and felt a few of those nasty "small," quakes. Do not like them at all!

  2. It takes a while to get used to them if you live here for a long time. But, then it becomes less scary and my standing there at the stove contemplating what was happening shows just how laid back I've gotten about it. I probably should have been running out the door, just in case it escalated!

  3. WOW! Seems strange to me as we don't get earthquakes here in the UK. Love that last landscape.

  4. Erm... Actually you had one in your part of the world Thursday, July 14, 2011. You've got some pretty awesome landscapes yourself Milo and Alfie. I've seen the pix! :-)

  5. Hi,
    WOW!!!!!!!!!!NICE PLACE .........

    First Aid Northridge


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