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Showing posts with label I can has Cheezeburger?. Show all posts
Showing posts with label I can has Cheezeburger?. Show all posts


Cat Vs. Foot... No Winner!

I just downloaded a couple hundred pictures from my camera. Most are now deleted, but there are several shots which go in succession, and this the one I chose to post to LOL cats.... You know, those "I can has cheezburger" cats. There must be a million of them floating around in cyberspace.

Though, I've created a few before, this is the one that finally made me laugh, even before I thought to caption it.

It's my kitty, Spyder, whose spontaneous reaction is priceless!

I hope you get a kick out of it, share it with your friends and help to vote it into popularity. Click on the picture to do so.

EW!!!               peepul paws iz gross!!
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My LOL Cat

Today, I experimented with .
You know...
I can has Cheezburger?

There was another caption that came with this picture...
It said: "I tured fan off for u"

But I like my idea better.

What do you think? If you like it, click on the picture and make a comment at LOL cats, please

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