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Vintage Crochet Pattern Links For Laurie
Vintage Crochet
Dates Unknown
Venetian Doily 1938
Sea Froth 1943
Willow Wand 1958
Sweet Violets 1961
The Rose Doily
Wild Rose 1937
Wish Upon a Star 1943
Yellow/Chartreuse Doily 1951
Wedding Cake Ruffles 1960s
Violets Doily
Star Doily 1940s
Royal Society Glass Jackets 1946
Wild Rose Scallops 1950
Pineapple Sheer 1960
The New Pansy Doily or Bowl
Spider Web Doily 1935
Shaded Ruffle 1948
Wild Rose Doily 1950s
Pineapple Prism 1965
The New Daisy Doily or Bowl
Snowflake Doilies 1937
Shell Stitch Doily 1948
Wheel Design 1951
Pineapple Doily 1960
Swan Doily (Pineapple)
Simplicity Doily 1938
Williamsburg 1942
Tulip Varieties 1950
Michaelmas Daisy 1961
Star Point
Plate Doylie 1916
Royal Society Glass Coasters 6149 1946
Tulip Garden 1959
Meadow Rue 1961
Star Doily
Peach & White Doily 1935
White Sapphire 1943
The Yellow Bud Ruffle 1950s
Magnolia Blossom 1964
Sea Scallop
Occasional Doily 1938
WhirlAWay 1942
The Rose Doily 1955
Large & Small Pineapple Doilies 1960s
Ruffled Pondlily
Night Table Doily 478 1945
Ruffles and Flourishes 1947
The Pineapple Ruffle 1950s
Lady's Slipper 1961
Rose Ring
Lacy Doily 1935
Victorian Ruffle 1948
The Pineapple Doily 1955
Honeysuckle Doily 1964
Pond Lily
Lace Doily 919 1936
Scalloped Doily 1947
The Large Table Ruffle 1950s
Garland Rose and Pansy Doilies 1969
Irish Crochet Doily 1938
Venetian 1945
The Candy Dish Doily 1955
Frosty Leaves 1961
Pineapple Whirl Centerpiece
Grecian Border Doilies 1937
Tailored Ruffle 1948
Sunburst Pineapple 1951
ForgetMeNot 1961
Pineapple Round
Fan Doilies 1935
Strike a White Note Doily 1944
Sunburst 1950s
Filet Valentine 1960
Pineapple Pirouette
Doily #9 1933
Star of India 1941
Summer Breeze 1958
Filet Dragon 1900s
Pineapple Pinwheel
Doily #2 1933
Star Center Ruffle 1946
Stardust Filet Doily 1950
Evening Primrose 1961
Pineapple Doily No. 83
Doily #16 1933
Square Ruffle 1948
Star Center 1950
Doilies are in again 1960s
Pineapple Centerpiece
Doily #10 1933
Snowflake Doily 1948
Stained Glass 1951
Cheval Set 1961
Pineapple Centerpiece
Coffee Table Doily 1934
Royal Society Irish Morn Doily 1943
Square Filet Doily or Motif 1955
Brocade 1969
Petal Cluster Doily
Cotillion 1945
Square Doily w/ Rose Ctr 1953
Oval Pineapple Ruffled
Star Ruffle 1948
Square Doily or Pillow 1958
Oriental Fantasy
Royal Society Doily 9142
Spiderweb Set 1951
Mother and Daughter Doilies
Royal Society Doily 9104 1948
Spider Web Doily 1951
Magnolia Doily
Royal Society 9141 1948
Spider Web Doily 1952
Lily of the Valley 2
Royal Society 9137 1948
Spider Doily 1950s
Lily of the Valley
Royal Society 9135 1948
Small Pineapple Ruffle 1950s
Lacis Crochet Rose Madder
Royal Society 9132 1948
Silver Surf 1958
Lacis Crochet Coffee Mat
Royal Society 9131 1948
Shooting Star 1953
Lacis Crochet Blue Doily
Royal Society 9128 1948
Shining Star 1951
Irish Crochet 7635
Royal Society 9127 1948
Shaded Pink and Lavendar Doily 1953
Heather Hill
Royal Society 91241948
Shaded Pink & White 1951
Golden Sunlight Beaded square
Round and Oval 1945
Sea Shell Ruffle 1950s
Four Square
Roses in Bloom filet 1944
Ruffles and Forgetmenots 1950
Rose Whirl Doily 1940
Round Doily or Pillow 1958
Flower Chain
Rose Sunburst 1940s
Rose Tea 1950s
Rose of Sharon Doily 1944
Rose of Erin 1953
Dove Doily (Pineapple)
Rose O' Summer 1947
Rose Circle 1950
Doily 4417
Rising Sun 1940
Ripple Rhythm Doily 1955
Doily 4416
Refreshment Set 1940
Ripe Wheat Doily 1955
Doily 4403
Pineapple Centerpiece 1947
Rice Stitch Delight 1950s
Design 644
Pineapple Six Point Doily 1946
Rambler Rose 1952
Design 555
Pineapple Ruffle 1948
Quadrille Doily 1957
Crocus Cluster
Pineapple Doily 7714 1946
Puff Border 1950s
Cluster Stitch Doily
Pineapple Doily 7275M 1946
Pretty Flower Doily 1951
Centerpiece in Netted Crochet
Pineapple Doily 7275 1946
Popcorns and Pineapples 1956
Cathedral Window
Petal Center Doily 1947
Popcorn Points 1957
Carnation Ruffle
Party Manner Doily 1944
Pinwheel Doily 1953
Beads, Beads, Beads
Palm Garden Set 1948
Pink Pineapple 1951
Autumn Wheat
Oval Doily 1947
Pink Perfection 1958
5 Doilies by Anne Orr
Ornate Doily 1947
Pink Aster 1951
"Daisy Ring" Doily
Octagon Doily 1947
Pineapple Ruffle Centerpiece 1958
Sunflower Doily
Northern Lights 1943
Pineapple Print 1953
Normandy 1945
Pineapple Posy 1951
New Pansy Doily 1940
Pineapple Petals 1951
Manor House Filet 1943
Pineapple Nosegay Doily 1957
Linen Center Doily 7839 1940
Pineapple Doily 1958
Linen Center Doily 7810 1940
Pineapple Delight 1956
Lady Fair 1949
Pineapple Centerpiece 1956
Irish Rose Ruffle 1948
Pineapple and Beads 1956
Irish Rose Doily 1949
Picot Point 1950s
Handmade Sherbet 1944
Pert Ruffle 1950s
Good Companions 1942
Oval Pineapple Ruffle 1952
Gift Doily 1940s
Orange Blossom 1955
Framed in Pansies 1947
Oblong Pineapple Doily 1958
FourLeaf Clover Doily 1947
Nosegay Doily 1955
ForgetMeNot Doily 1949
Nosegay Doily 1951
Fine Web Doily 1947
Multicolor Doily 1955
Doily/Coaster No. 7572 1946
Midsummer Moon 1959
Doily No. 7276 1946
Lucky Clover 1959
Doily No. 7269 1946
Loop Stitch Doily 1953
Doily Drama 1942
Leafy Spray Doily 1955
Doily 7817 1940s
Lazy Lagoon 1959
Doily 7801 1940
Large Pineapple Doily 1953
Doily 7797 1947
Lacy Sunburst 1951
Doily 7702 1944
Holly Wreath 1950
Doily 7642 1946
Hexagon Ruffle 1952
Doily 7256 1946
Green Leaf Doily 1951
Doily 2132 1942
Gray Ruffle Doily 1951
Daisy Design 1945
Grape Doily 1954
Cluster Doily 465 1945
Fluted Frills 1951
Chic Circles 1942
Flowers 1955
6.5 inch Doily Design 7814 1947
Flower Coaster Set 1950
3 Piece Doily Set No. 7699 1946
Flower Cartwheel 1950
Finger Bowl Doily 1951
Filet Doily S773 1955
Eros 1950s
Enchanted Castle 1950s
Easy Pineapple 1956
Double Ruffle 1956
Double Pineapple Doily 1952
Doily or Doll Dress 1958
Diamond Star 1951
Diadem 1957
Dew Drops 1959
Design 7024
Daisy Web 1950
Daisy Ring 1951
Cosmos Doily 1950s
Coronet 1959
Coaster Cups 1950
Cluster Stitch Doily 1955
Cat's Cradle 1957
Cameo Girl 1950
Butterfly Doily 1950
Butterfly 1951
Bouquet 1951
Blossom Doily 1953
Anemone 1959
8 Point Star 1952
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