

Real Snowmen Melt

I heard children screaming and headed outdoors to see what was happening. Two houses beyond mine, the little ones were running in circles like wild puppies. The adult among them, who I couldn't see, was inflating a fifteen foot Christmas snowman. I smiled. It is interesting how the screaming of a child, whether in terror or joy, sounds very much the same.

Yet, I was perplexed. We take these things for granted this time of year. Yet, I live in Coastal California, where the nearest snow is a long drive up through the mountains, about a five hour drive. Rarely do we get snow at the lower elevations in the mountains that separate the shore from inland San Jose area. So, how did the kids know to be excited about a blow up snowman? Perhaps simply because of the novelty? I'm sure some adult in their lives has told them about Frosty. With TV access in their lives, they've probably seen a number of programs with cute stories connecting Frosty to Christmas. And what child does not know the lyrics to "Frosty the Snowman"?

I was raised in Western New York State with snow in abundance every year from late October to the end of March. Some of it is pretty, in fact beautiful. I've made my share of snowmen, many times and not by inflation, but with real coal for eyes. and guess what? Just like the song, real snowmen melt. Snowmen are fun.

But, the majority of the time, snow is too real. I've stood in the cold, with red face and stiff fingers, snow stuffed down inside my boots, melting into my socks, helping others push on the back of a car that swerved in a ditch more times than I can count. I've huddled under blankets fully clothed, shivering, when the electricity failed during an ice storm. Frosty the Snowman was a cute song, but not something that exhilarated me and had little to do with Christmas. I wonder why Jack Frost is not as popular, as he was in my childhood. He was the ice artist that decorated my window pane. Now that was magic!

Yes, I smiled to see the children down the street. I understood their exuberance. I remember it continued in me long into adulthood. But, I want to know what happened to it? Am I too old to experience anticipation and joy over the upcoming holidays? Is that it? Have I lived too long? Seen too much? Been there, done that until it can't be done anymore? Okay, I know that was trite, but so what!

So... What? I want my Christmas Mojo back! That's what!


  1. As I drive my school bus around I was musing on the fact that Arizona houses are over decorated with inflatable Christmas stuff. I guess it's all relative. In SoCal where I lived we made snowmen out of tumbleweeds. We lived at the base of Arrowhead, so we could go up to Santa's Village and also enjoy the snow, and come home to a warm house.


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