


Doctor's said I would not be able to have any more children after I had the cancer. When I found myself pregnant, I chose to take the risks, and this wonderful child came into my life and has blessed it everyday. Thank you for being you, my son!


  1. Happy Birthday to Xavier. It's a day well worth celebrating.

    Jan x

  2. And happy Xavier's birthday to YOU Elizabeth!! Wonderful photos - what a gift for you!

  3. Surprises like this are always a wonder, and always great! I have one of those surprises too. After I nearly bled to death and we didn't know why they said, "NO more kids!" Before they could get me on the pills I was pregnant and they had to follow me so closely saying I was stupid to keep the baby.

    That's my lovely third son Ben who I honestly do not know what I would have done without since he was the most sensitive, loving, wonderful kids when his brother were terrible!

  4. Thank you, Jen. That's the way I feel about it too!

  5. Thank you Jan, and Ciss, too. Doctor's don't always know best, we've learned. Eh?


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