

Wood and Water


My mother always said my sister Satsu was like wood; as rooted to the earth as a sakura tree.

But she told me I was like water. Water can carve its way even through stone...and when trapped, water makes a new path...

Now I understood the thing I´d overlooked; the point wasn´t to become a geisha but to be one. To become a geisha...well, that was hardly a purpose in life. But to be a geisha... I could see it now as a stepping-stone to something else. After all, these are not the memoirs of an empress, nor of a queen. These are memoirs of another kind.

From: Memoirs of a Geisha


  1. I read this boo ~ it was beautiful and thought provoking.

    I see you as like water Elizabeth ~ when an obstacle stands in your way, you carve a new path round it. Specifically chondrosarcoma ~ it would have made many give up ~ but you simply diverted your path and set off in another direction. That's real success.

    Jan x

  2. Thank you, Jan! I am a water sign. I've always thought "go with the flow" kind of water. It's nice to know you think I can carve through rock. ;-)


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