

Read for Free. What a Concept!!!

This is so awesome, I can't let it get away without telling everyone. If you like to read, and who doesn't? This is for you.

A friend of mine is a published Science Fiction writer. He's a philospher-physicist, too. Plus, He just published String Theory for Dummies.  Andrew Zimmerman-Jones is a multi-talented author. I'm so glad to know him.Today he sent me a link to a site that is giving away a sample reader for free. No, there are no strings attached. (no pun intended)

I already downloaded my copy and I'm happy as a pig loose in the corn field. Last night while thinking of my New Year's resolutions, one that offered itself to me was, Don't buy any more books until you finish the wall of them you already have! And here is the Universe, so to speak, telling me I'm right.

I don't have to pay money to read, I can read for free. What a gift! Eh?

In case you are curious who the authors may be, take a look at this:
Without any further to do, I quote from the site that Andrew sent me:

From high adventure to savvy business advice, youll find something special for the special someones on your holiday list — including you. You’re also welcome to share this free sampler with friends and family. Click here to download the In The Nick of Time! holiday sampler — and have the happiest of holidays!"

Now for the picture of the day... the happy pig running loose in the cornfield? She got away.

The boys are now out there searching for her.

They don't know she is back in her crib reading some really good stuff she just downloaded off the internet.

Hope those boys find the link, too!


  1. Glad that you enjoyed the sampler. For the more scientifically adventurous, I also have a free sample of my own book, String Theory for Dummies, available. It includes the full table of contents, the Introduction chapter, and the last two "Chapters of 10" which is a perennial For Dummies feature. It gives an excellent example of the material in the rest of the book, for those who may be interested.

  2. Thank you, Andrew! It was great to download the sample of your book. I will have a lot of reading and thinking to do just by what I can see so far. I've decided that reading Sting Theory for Dummies is at least one of my New Years Resolutions. It might take me all year to read it, but I know I could learn a lot! I've visited Amazon and see it is there, so I suspect it will be waiting for me on Christmas day.


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