

Photo Friday - Preparing for Christmas / or Seasonal celebrations.

The Christmas tree is up and decorated. 
Everything is in it's place. Everything is ready and waiting. 
We are now guarding the stocking for when Santa gets here.
He can fill it  up with catnip toys, jingle balls, tuna fish treats, and perhaps a mousie or two. 
What do you think?

Just a few more days left. No hurry, Santa. I will still be right here when you arrive!


  1. Awwwwwwwwww .... gorgeous! That would make a really lovely Christmas card!

  2. What a great idea! Thank you for suggesting it!

  3. That is an adorable picture of your kitty! I have pics of my cats up for this photo Friday also...couldn't get my kids to sit still. LOL

  4. Thank you Pumpkin. It's my daughter's kitty. I once had one that looked like her, though. Hope to see your kitty pics soon.


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