

Green Apple Necklace

Laurie has been producing crocheted items for more than 30 years. To look at her, you would never know she is a grandmother. She still has a few young ones of her own at home and yet, still finds time to put her inspired ideas into reality. Aren't her kids adorable. They look a little mischievous. How she can get any work done? It's a wonder to me. This woman is committed to her craft.

Something catches her eye and triggers her imagination, and suddenly she has another piece of art jewelry ready to rest upon someone's pretty neck.

Just take a look at this piece below. I think she calls it Green Apple. It does look luscious, doesn't it? The detail of the crochet design shows her craftsmanship, or would it be crafts-woman-ship? This piece is so feminine, without being frilly. And the natural theme to it, the leaves combined with green and gold, no wonder she likes to call it Green Apple. I'm sorry she already sold this one, as I sure would like to have it. Well, she takes special orders, so I guess I better let her know.

Young and old, alike seem to be attracted to her work. Men are impressed with the intricacy of her designs. In fact one gentleman ordered jewelry sets for his wife and daughter for a family holiday. The sets included necklace, bracelet and earrings. For the daughter, there was also an anklet.

Did I tell you these are all her own designs, which she has copyrighted? Oops, I forgot. Didn't I? Yes, I'm pushing it, aren't I?

Did I tell you that in the past she has crafted fun-to-wear skirts and shirts, exquisite christening gowns, and would you believe, even crochet swimwear (mostly bikinis). I kid you not! They were all hot items at the boutiques in her area of Southern California. She has been quite diverse in creating wearable art. Wouldn't you say?

I have seen her working on a gothic piece that was purchased by a lovely young orange-haired woman. It was designed in black Marcasite and went well with her style. Laurie is quite diverse in her creativity.

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