

Grape Harvest Festival Crochet Jewelry

I just heard from Laurie today. How exciting this is going to be! She tells me that she will be presenting her handmade crochet jewelry for sale at the Rancho Cucamonga Grape Harvest Festival on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, September 28, 29 & 30!!! I wish I could be there.

Laurie is so talented. I'm so proud of her! The first time I ever saw her hand crocheted jewelry, I was so surprised. I had never seen anything like it before. Oh, I know what you're thinking, but this is NOT your granny's kind of crochet. Laurie's crochet jewelry is ART you can wear on your neck or wrist or... well you get the picture.

This lovely piece is such simplicity of design. You know what's really nice about this too? My sister could wear it without a problem. She is allergic to all jewelry, except pure gold. With no metal on this, it's perfect for those with nickel allergies. Laurie made this on for me. I get so many compliments on it when I wear it. It reminds me of midnight. The dark glass beads have a shimmer to them like black pearls, and the crystals remind me of moonstones. I love it!

It is interesting to know that Laurie started to crochet when she was just a little girl. She took to it naturally and has been doing it ever since. I remember when she was in her teens, and her talent in crochet brought her attention not only among her friends, but with their parents too. Soon her crochet talent soared. She taught herself how to make all kinds of decorative items, and as the years have gone by she developed her own personal style of creative art jewelry. Laurie's unique style expresses her motto perfectly... "Fierce, Feminine, Fun!"

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