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Memoir & Autobiography
Raccoon Danger
Recently a neighbor of mine moved away. She was in the habit of feed raccoons at night. They went into her garage to eat. I personally haven...
Garden Memories - Lilies
Looking back upon the past summer and the incredible heat of October, it seemed to me that autumn would never truly arrive even though my C...
What do you drink?
There was a time in my childhood when water was at a premium, not in financial cost, but by lack of water availability. The first place wa...
Safe Laundry
What plant safe laundry detergents and soaps should I use for my homemade grey water system? Because of the drought, I don't want to use...
Dave Eggers - A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius - Mini Review
It's a (creative non-fiction) memoir about a young man about age 20 whose father and mother die of cancer 5 months apart. He's lef...
Autumn Leaves
The abundance of blooming chrysanthemums enticed me. Of course, being only 4 or 5 years old at the time, I couldn't resist picking a ...
Apricot Pit Cure for Cancer - Not
Herbs Cost Money Over the years I attempted to modify my nutrition in whatever was the most popular fashion at the time. (and if you rea...
On Happiness
Whatever happened to happily ever after? That was all hype, like Santa Claus, Leprechauns, Fairies, Jesus and all that other bunch of lies t...
When Water Was at a Premium
I remember two times as a child when water was at a premium, not in financial cost, but by a lack of water availability. The first place was...
What to Expect from an MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaginging)
If you have ever had an x-ray where they have you lie down on a table. having an MRI is a little bit like that except the "table...
Vera sat in the car staring out over the cliff, seagulls dipping back and forth on the breeze. She took the rest of her sandwich, broke it i...
A Little Rain Must Fall
I was living in Indiana from '85 to '95. During that time period, California was experiencing drought where my daughter lived. My ...
Eye Candy Flower
Around here it's called a Poor Man's Orchid. I've seen it also been referred to as Australian Fairy Iris. I like that! More co...
Washing Dishes by Hand Saves Money
This all started with my observance of how I wash dishes. Was I wasting water? I thought so, but didn't know exactly. So I began to expe...
Must Cancer Patients Be Positive?
When we come into this world we act out as freely as we want to. As time goes by, we get messages from others that to freely express ourselv...
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