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Victoria Gardens
The Rancho Cucamonga Grape Harvest Festival was, unfortunately, a bust. Apparently the organizers did not advertise sufficiently. It was ...
Award Winning Hand Crochet Jewelry
I'm proud to mention that Laurie won third place in the Crochet Guild of America's 2008 Design Contest. You can see the complete win...
This one's for Coco
Do it yourself carbon footprints
Tonight, after I washed my hands, I reached for some moisturizing cream as my skin has been dry. It was then I noticed one of the first ingr...
My TV Weather Photo
We had so much smoke in the air from the fires! Polluted air makes for stunning sunsets! Most of the time, sunsets are fog. This is exchange...
Two Lovely Crochet Necklaces
. “Don’t worry about what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive and do that. Because what the world needs are people who have ...
Cats Vs. Coyotes
Today there was a news article telling about how coyotes have encroached upon a colony of feral cats that live on the property of California...
Kats' father was the script writer for the Japanese TV series called Kaiketsu Harimao, which roughly translates as "Wonderman Harim...
Buddha Wisdom
more cat pictures
Mountain Lion Seen In Monterey
In the news yesterday, a woman walking her dog in Via Paraiso Park saw and reported a mountain lion while she was out walking her dog. She ...
Big Sur Fire
It's a pretty calm video, but this fire really concerns me. Not for myself, but the size of it is IMMENSE. They don't expect to have...
More on California fires
It just boggles my mind. There is a new meaning for "California, the Golden State"
Where I live is placed right in the middle between these three fires The mention Santa Cruz Fire, really named the Trabing fire, is less tha...
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