
Memoir & Autobiography

Literary Presses

Kore Pressopen submissions period for book-length creative nonfiction and memoir in January and February. FOR WOMEN ONLY. Send 1-2 pg. synopsis and first 50 
pages. ($35 reading fee)

Red Hen Press–accepts unagented manuscripts during the month of June only

Tupelo Pressaccepts full-length manuscripts year round. ($45 fee)

Sarabande Books–accepts queries year round ($10 handling fee)

Algonquin Books–accepts queries year round

C & R Press–accepts queries and full-length submissions year round (no official 
reading fee, but they “invite” authors to make a donation.)

Persea Press–accepts queries year round

EM Press–accepts queries year round

Ashland Creek Press–accepts full-length submissions year round. Focus on travel, the environment, ecology, wildlife only. 

City Lights Books–accepts proposals with sample year round

Greenpoint Press–will accept queries starting winter, 2012

Scarletta Press–accepts queries with sample from Nov. 1-March 1

Bancroft Press–reads partial or full manuscripts year round

Hub City Press–accepts queries in April/May and Sept/Oct. Emphasis on the Southern 
experience and in books with a strong sense of place.

George Braziller Incaccepts queries year round

Soft Skull Press–accepts proposals year round

Dzanc Books–send first one or two chapters (35 pages) via their submission manager

Graywolf–next open reading period of full-length ms January, 2013

Melville House–accepts queries year round

Coffee House Press–open reading for ms during Sept. and Oct.

Black Lawrence Press–open reading during the month of Nov.

Sightline Books (University of Iowa Press)–accepts proposals year round

Bison Books (University of Nebraska Press)accepts proposals year round

University Press of Mississippi–accepts proposals year round

University Press of New Englandaccepts proposals

University of Alabama Pressaccepts proposals