


My new neighbor, Joy, just brought over two zip-lock bags, one Mexican Bread in each. She must have thought I was ignorant when I said, “ What’s this?” I don’t know why I said it. I felt stupid for saying it. I knew what it was. Sometimes I have no control over what comes out of my mouth. I recovered quickly, when she responded, “It’s Mexican Bread… for you. Just thought you might like to try some.”

“Yes Thank you. Pan Dulce, I love it! Perfect timing! I just made a cup of tea.” Then, I shut the door. Later, I realized how stupid I had been. Maybe I should have invited her in to share the tea and bread. But, I looked around me at the piles of boxes, the fact that there was no table in my kitchen, and I was still in my nightgown at 11 a.m. and thought that was going to be the end of having any kind of neighborly relationship.

Joy drops by, I invite her in to visit. I can’t keep turning her friendly overtures away. She has COPD and is only off a lifetimes work for a short time and it is driving her crazy. She seems very lonely.

In memory of my old friend Jyoti (Joy) Nupoor

Not forgotten

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