

A Morning Page

Today, I present Guest Writer, Thia Tsurata who follows the practice of "Morning Pages" as suggested by Julie Cameron, author of The Artist's Way.

Morning Pages are three pages of longhand, stream of consciousness writing,
done first thing in the morning.

This is an example of one of Thia's morning pages.

So I made up my mind that I would do this. Thanks to Aptos Writer's Group. I got the book, The Artist's Way and got going... I started the very first morning pages while visiting Mom and Frank in Montana.

Taka and Thia Tsurata
There were days after that, weeks and months, where I'd set my alarm to get up and write from 5am... and then be able to go back to bed hoping to doze off again- would loved to sleep again. However... the main idea was to be able to just wake with Taka to have breakfast together before sending him off to work. There were days, actually they felt like the middle of the night, when I'd awaken to pee and not be able to sleep again. So many nights... in the wee hours, anywhere from 3am and 5am, I'd write for an hour and take my homeopathic insomnia pills eventually with plans to sleep again. Or it'd be the nights of "dark regrets" that I knew I could spew out on these pages for my morning.

It took maybe a year before I trusted myself to get to the writing after Taka would leave for work. I'd get myself distracted too much sometimes and not really feel I was giving my pages the attention they deserved. But it's been an evolution. And I've learned to write in cars, in hotel bathrooms, while others slept, on planes... figuring out the time differences between Japan and the U.S.... two mornings in one day of looking like I missed a day on the return flight. But all I've missed has been half or a page in more than sixteen months and MAKING UP MY MIND to do this. Being ALLOWED and GETTING to do this has changed my life, my direction, my heart, my friends ... and the way I am now able to... how I am getting better able to express myself having taken this "course".

When my stepbrother this past October  asking me (another one of the many) what I'm doing now, I once again shyly... almost... really hesitantly... practically GUILTILY I try to say "Oh, well, I'm writing." Or when asked my job, I'm still uncomfortable saying I'm a writer. And stepbrother Jim, said with quite the firm conviction, "Ok so that is your job now.... so THAT is what you will spend 2-3 hours every day doing now cause it's your JOB!" And I nodded, feeling"oh- yes-yes..." and beginning to feel this stirring of excitement "Yes!! My JOB now!!!"


A Little Bitty Tear Let Me Down

The other day I visited my Rhematologist for a follow up on my Sjogren's Syndrome which had been bothering me considerably, including bodily pain and exhaustion. He had given me a prescription for prednisone, which has been quite effective in making me feel better. Though I am still bothered very much by dry eye. That might not seem like a big deal to those who do not have it. But, just imagine yourself going through life with what feels like sand in your eyes, with pain and sometimes swelling of the eyelids. Not to mention your appearance is reminiscent of a bad hangover!

In my visit with the doctor, I hesitated to bring up the fact that I was disappointed the Prednisone didn't give me a "High". Usually it does, and I had been hoping for the benefits of it helping to pull me up from my recent depressive state. We discussed the fact that perhaps my depression was deeper than just a side effect of my physical condition and needed to be treated with anti-depressants instead. This made me more sad. I do have an underlying condition, and it was time for me to face needing care. Tears formed and fell down my cheeks. He handed me some tissues and said, "At least you are producing tears."

That was reassuring. I'm glad he reminded me. I had been feeling so sorry for myself. Sometimes I forget to count my blessings! Afterwards, I thought about what he said. Then wondered. If I can produce an abundant quantity of tears for the sake of crying, then why are my eyes still dry? And, then I thought, if I could just have a good cry every day, perhaps it would help my tear ducts be healthier. Of course, I began searching for information that might back up my theory.

I found the following: "There are in fact three types of tear, two of which are rather uninteresting: basal tears which lubricate and protect the eye and reflex tears which flush out irritants such as smoke particles or onion vapors. The third type of tear is, of course, shed in response to emotion, and differs from basal and reflex tears not only by its cause but also by its chemical composition, being considerably richer in certain substances such as prolactin and adrenocorticotropic hormone."

So now I wonder if because emotional tears have a different chemical composition, the idea of purposely crying every day wouldn't be beneficial. Hmmm... Is this making sense? Or is it just the hopeful wishes of a patient who wants to be in the know?

In the same article I found this: "Damage to the ophthalmic branch of the trigeminal nerve renders the surface of the eye insensitive and thereby prevents the production of reflex tears. However, it is the parasympathetic division of the facial nerve that is actually responsible for making tears, and damage to the facial nerve, as in Bell’s palsy, can lead to a decrease in tear production. Reflex and emotional tears are produced by the lacrimal gland and drained through the nasolacrimal canal into the nose."

I do NOT believe I have Bell's but I wonder if my TMJ could have an affect. Even though I have positively been identified by specialists at UCSF as having Sjogren's Syndrome, I wonder if my TMJ problems contribute to the much more troublesome dry eye problems that I experience on the right side. Perhaps if I could get appropriate treatment for the TMJ, then some of the pain and discomfort I have in the right eye could be diminished! Is my logic off? Or again, is this just wishful thinking?

And now for a little bit of fun!


Morris Franklyn Evans of Cattaraugus County New York

This is the elder sister of Morris Evans. Her name is Anna
Photo taken in Dover, New Hampshire circa 1908
As I was growing up, my father often reminded me that I could rely on my own inner strength, which, in his opinion, I inherited through my ancestors; particularly the ones from Wales.

Dad’s mother, Jessie, spoke the native tongue, Cymraeg. His grandfather, Morris, was the first generation American. I guess that makes me fourth generation away from “the old country”. My great-great grandparents, William and Anna Evans came to New York State about 1843, bringing two sons with them, John and William (Jr.). As far as I have been able to determine, they first settled in Schuyler, Herkimer county.

By the time Morris came along, April of 1852, his siblings, Thomas, David, Benjamin, and Mary had preceded him; after that, a younger sister, Elizabeth, known as Libby. Morris and Libby remained close all their lives.

Eventually, William and Anna moved to Cattaraugus county in western NY probably because of the railroad boom. They purchased and exchanged a great deal of land, speculating more than farming it.  They continued to speak and live in the Welsh ways.

As was common practice among his people, at the age of thirteen Morris was apprenticed out to learn a trade. His older sister, Mary, was married to a man who ran a cheese factory where Morris could have continued out his life as a cheese maker in familial job security. However, as an adult, Morris choose to become a carpenter and most of his life he worked in various aspects of the field; once, for the railroad building huge railroad bridges, especially the famous Kinzua bridge.


December 14, 1960

A letter from Laura Wakely of Merritt Island Florida, to her best friend, Gennie Deane, living in Burt, New York.

December 14, 1960

Dearest Gennie,

Well I guess it’s time I answered your letters.

It sure has been cold for the last 2 days. But then, I guess it’s nothing compared to what you are getting up North!

Jerry and Darrell are both working for a fruit packing co. Jerry going on 2 weeks and Darrell one. It seems good to not have them under foot, but I miss my babysitter.

Roy is working from 12 AM until 8 am. So he is home all day now and it’s just like a mad house. I never get my work done. I hate it.

I was so in hopes we would be in the house by xmas. But that is another dream up in smoke. He hasn't done anything since it was plastered and tiled except make five windows and fix one closet. I guess he isn't going to. I asked him today if we couldn't buy the furnace. He says, “what with?” and we really aren't that hard up. God, he is a pinch penny. I don’t blame him for not wanting to spend all he has in the bank. But I don’t see how he can take this place either.

At least he has been home every day for nearly 2 weeks. I don’t know what happened to him. But I hope it continues

Gee, xmas will soon be here and I don’t have a bit of xmas spirit. Do you? I don’t like the holidays anymore.

Well I have all my uppers out except four and I’ve really had a time with them. My face was black and blue. This is the second week, and I’ve had enough jaw bone out to make a soup!

Well anyway they are all better now and I’m not going back until after xmas, as he said I need a rest and I agree, It sure took a heck of a lot out of me.

Dam, my feet are cold. Mr. Brandy and Princess are sleeping. That is good, as I could just take one and knock the other in the head. I don’t usually feel that way

I sure hope your problems are dissolving and your life will be happier. At the best, life is hard isn’t it? I’ve already received some xmas cards. I almost feel like Scrooge. Bah Humbug!

I haven’t seen Myrna and kids since Friday but I guess they are all fine.

I’ve got to go to the toilet and Roy is in there. Guess he has rented it. It sure look’s funny to see him stand there with the toilet seat in his one hand and Ha Ha in the other. Then, when you want to flush the dam thing, you have to reach on the back as the handle is broke. Well I hope he freezes his hand. Then maybe he will get busy. It’s been like that for about a year. Then he wonders why I bitch.

I’ve just got to get me some warmer clothes.

Wanda’s daughter is in the hospital. At first they thought she had polio or a virus infection of the spine but they still don’t know what it is. She can’t walk. Well anyway I guess she is better but still can’t walk.

I guess my husband is looking at furnaces in the catalogue. I hope he buys one, as I’m mean when I’m cold. And I’m cold.

Well I can’t think of any more this time except I love you very much, and when you are unhappy so am I. Just remember that everyone has problems.

The best way is to pray, and you really get the strength to go on. I know that the Lord is up there, and I know that it has sure helped me to keep my senses in my hum drum world because when I need Him, I can just feel Him. So, I know that He will help me, and protect me. Well, anyway, it is a wonderful feeling. And without that thought, I doubt that I could stay sane, as sometimes it’s pretty rough around here.

I don’t pray for me. I pray the Lord will just comfort me and give me strength. I'd I swear I do get strength, almost like I could feel His presence, and I know I’m not worthy. But I pray to Him a lot and hope, in my feeble way, He forgives me and loves me. I’ve never told this to anyone. But I hope you try it. Because if I couldn't have this feeling, I’d be more lost than even you was. At best, there is very little pleasure or comfort around here so, you see, I sure need something strong to cling to.

Love always
Laura and All

Descendants of Robert Higgins of Leominster

I kept a copy of this after I found it on the internet. Today I came across it and clicked on one of the links in order to assuage my curiosity. But, was disappointed to learn the original site was no longer existing. So, I'm taking it upon myself to post the information (exactly as found) for the benefit of those who might find it useful in their search for family.

Thought to have been planted by descendant of Higgins.


Robert Higgins, mercer of Leominster was mentioned in the will of Christopher Higgins, verger to the Dean and Chapter of Hereford as were Robert's children. The will is dated 18 July 1610 and calls Robert "cosin" probably meaning nephew.


  • 2I. RICHARD- b.c.1613, m. 1634 LYDIA CHANDLER

    Richard Higgins And His Descendants- Katherine Chapin
    Higgins, Worcester, 1918, pp.14-5

    m.1. 23 Nov. 1634 Eastham, LYDIA CHANDLER (d. by 1650 Eastham, MA)
    2. Oct. 1651 Eastham, Mary ______ (m.1. John Yates (adm. 8 June 1651 Eastham), 3. c.1684 Isaac Whitehead of Elizabethtown, NJ (d. Feb. 1691 Elizabethtown), d. after 2 Dec. 1702)
    d. before 1 June 1675 Piscataway, NJ Richard Higgins, son of Robert Higgins of Leominster in the County of Hereford, mercer, places himself as an apprentice with Philip Ruddock of St. Clements Land, London, for the term of seven years from the date given herein, for the term aforesaid, on said day and year, April 23, 1627"(1)

    Richard went to Plymouth, MA about 1633. On 7 Oct. 1633 he purchased from "Thomas Little his now dwelling howse and misted, for and in consideration of twenty-one bushels of merchantable corne, whereof twelve bushels to be pd in hand, & the remainder at harvest next ensuing."(2)

    On 1 Mar. 1633/4 Richard was taxed 9/ and on 27 Mar. 1634 he was taxed another 12/ in corn (two bushels). Sometime in 1633 or 1634 he was admitted a freeman.

    On 1 Apr. 1634 Samuel Godberson, son of Godbert Godberson of New Plymouth, deceased, was apprenticed to Richard Higgins, tailor, for the term of seven years. Samuel was a ward of the Colony and Bradford agreed to pay Richard "six bushels of corne and a cowe calfe this present year of the next." Richard was to teach Samuel his trade and to give him the calf and half her offspring at the end of the seven year term.(3) Richard sold this apprenticeship to John Smaley 31 Aug. 1639.

    On 13 Jan. 1633/4 Richard purchased from John Barnes "one dwelling house and twenty acres of land, being lately in the possession of Edward Holman, with all the fence, boards, timber (squared and unsquared) (belonging to the same) in consideration of ten pownd starling to be paid in currant English money or beaver at the rate it shall passe at the day of payment which is the 20th of March in the year of our Lord 1634. And also that the said Richard shall possesse the said John and his heirs of 20 acres of land in Scituate in some convenient place."(4)

    On 14 Mar. 1635/6 Mr. Hicks, George Watson and Richard were granted the rest of the Island Creek for haying. They were granted more land for haying on 20 Mar. 1636/7.

    On 2 May 1637 Richard was one of the committee to lay out highways in Plymouth, Duxbury and Ele River.

    On 7 Aug. 1638 Richard was one of the jury in the case of John Weeks vs. George Russell for slander. On 3 Dec. 1639 Richard posted a bond of 20/6 for Samuel Chandler who was accused of slander against the governor and the government. The bond was released. Richard was on the jury several times while living in Plymouth and was a member of the "Grand Inquest" in June of 1644.

    In Mar. 1638/9 Richard was granted 40 acres of land on the southeast of Great South Pond and two pieces of marshland southwest of the other grant. Richard swaped land with John Smaley in June 1640. On 2 Nov. 1640 Richard was granted 6 acres in South Meadows. His property on Manomet Pond was confirmed to him on 30 Nov.

    In Feb. 1643 Richard was one of the people who was appointed to make traps to kill the wolves in the area.

    "The Names of the Freemen of eich Towne. Plymouth (1643)... Richard Higgins." "August, 1643. The Names of all the Males that are able to beare Armes from xvj. Yeares old to 60 Yeares, wthin the sevrall Towneshipps. Plymouth... Richard Higgins." (5)

    In 1644 several families moved to Nauset (Eastham): "The Court doth grant unto the church of New Plymouth, or those that go dwell at Nausett all the tract of land lying between sea and sea, from the purchaser's bounds at Namskaket to the herring Brook at Billingsgate". 5 Mar. 1644/5.(6)

    On 3 Mar. 1643/4 Richard sold a half acre of marsh at Hobb's Hole to Gyles Rickett for 40/. In Aug. 1645 he sold his house, garden and orchard near Brownes Rock to John Churchwell for £12 provided that "it shall be lawful for the said Richard to take away the boards that line the inward room and the bedstead and board overhead, and some fruit trees in the orchard so that he leaves the said John Churchwell 30 trees."(7) Richard moved to that part of Eastham called Pochet which was next to Nauset Beach in what is now East Orleans. He is listed as an inhabitant of Eastham in 1658.(8)

    Richard was one of the representatives to the General Court at Plymouth beginning in 1647. He was also one of the surveyors of highways. In 1657 he was one of four men chosen to settle the boundary between Barnstable and Yarmouth. He was a selectman in 1664 and in 1668.

    Between 1659 and 1669 Richard bought and sold numerous parcels of land and obtained many land grants.

    "June 1, 1659. Whereas it is and order of court that every town in this colony is to choose two or three men for the oversight and disposal of poor children, this town hath chosen Edward Bangs, Nicholas Snow and Richard Higgins according to order."(9)

    "1659. Richard Higgins has one little black mare which was Job Cole's with a blaze down the face and a little white hair above her hoofs before, burn marked with an E on the right shoulder. Dec. 23, 1659."(10)

    "May 15, 1660. Mr. John Doane, Richard Higgins and Thomas Paine with the surveyors are to appoint what particular highways are to be mended and those that are most concerned in the ways are to mend them by the appointment of the abovesaid for the present year."(11)

    "Court of June 13, 1660. Richard Higgins one of a committee to dispose of the trade at Kennebeck."(12)

    "Dec 13, 1660. Richard Higgins undertook to provide a company for to cut up the third fish" (whale).(13)

    "The mark of Richard Higgins (for his cattle) is a piece cut off the hind side of the left ear, to the top of the ear, and a slit cut in the side of the ear slanting downwards. Jan. 22, 1660/1."(14)

    "24 10th mo. 1667. Richard Higgins and Benjamin Higgins were on a jury of inquest as to the deaths of Robert Chapell, James Nichols, and William Pidell, cast ashore upon Cape Cod."(15)

    "To all people to whome these presents shall come. Know ye that I Richard Higens of Eastham in the Government of New Plimoth in New England in America, Taylor... grant unto my son Benjamine Higens of the Towne of Eastham abovesaid, Husbandman, a parcell of upland and meadowing the upland containing twentie acres be it more or less lying at a place commonly called Poche, the which upland lieth next to the lot of Job Cole and was bought and exchanged by the said Richard Hignes of Jonathan Sparrow as appears by a deed... And two acres of marsh or meadowing, be it more or less, which was formerly Mr. William Bradfords deceased, that Richard Higens hath and lieth at the harbor's mouth... 4th day of the 5th mounth 1669 in the presence of us

    Nath: Bacon
    John Scudder                   Richard Higens."(16)

    In 1669 a group of people moved from the Cape to New Jersey because of religious and political differences with the establishment at Plymouth or because of the fact that land was more available in New Jersey. Richard seems to have moved to New Piscataway because of the last reason.

    "Know all men by these presents that I Richard higgens of New Piscataway in the province of New Jersey, yeoman, for the sum of nine pounds sterling to him paid... to Benjamin Higgens of Eastham in the jurisdiction of New Plimouth... land at a place called little Billingsgate." Dated 20 Nov. 1672.(17)

    On 8 Mar. 1677/8 Mary had her deceased husband's claims to land laid out to her in the western part of old Piscataway township near the Raritan River consisting of 254 acres.

    Samuel Moore Sr. of Woodbridge, NJ obtained a license to marry Mary, but for some reason the marriage never took place and she married Isaac Whitehead. In her son Thomas' will in Dec. 1702 she recieved "the Parlor or Rooms where she now lives and also one-third part of the orchard during her natural life."

  • I. Jonathan- b. July 1637 Plymouth, MA; m.1. 9 Jan. 1660/1 Eastham, MA, Elizabeth Rogers (b. 29 Sept. 1639 Duxbury, MA, d.c.1678 Eastham), 2. ?Hannah Rogers(18), living in 1711 
  • 3II. BENJAMIN- b. July 1640 Plymouth, m. 24 Dec. 1661 LYDIA BANGS (d. after Feb. 1706/7), d. 14 Mar. 1690/1 Eastham
  • III. Mary- b. 27 Sept. 1652 Eastham, m.c.1682 Samuel Oliver, d. 23 Jan. 1729 Elizabethtown, NJ
  • IV. Eliakim- b. 20 Oct. 1654 Eastham, m. Elizabeth Newbold (bpt. 8 Dec. 1654 Handsworth, Yorkshire, d. 13 Nov. 1692)
  • V. Jediah- b. 5 Mar. 1656/7 Eastham, m. 12 May 1684 Mary Newbold (bpt. 23 May 1661 Mossborough, Derbyshire)
  • VI. Zerah- b. June 1658 Eastham, m. Elizabeth Oliver
  • VII. Thomas- b. Jan. 1661/2 Eastham, m. Elizabeth Hull
  • VIII. Lydia- b. July 1664 Eastham, probably d.s.p.
  • IX. Rebecca- b.c.1666 Eastham, m. Thomas Martin
  • X. Ruth- b.c.1668 Eastham? Piscataway?, m.1. Isaac FitzRandolph, 2. Stephen Tuttle
  • XI. Sarah- b.c.1670 Piscataway, NJ, m. Samuel Moore Jr.

    (1) Apprentice Book of the Honorable Company of Merchant Taylors of London- Vol.9, folio 276
    (2) Richard Higgins And His Descendants- Katherine Chapin
    Higgins, Worcester, 1918, p.26
    (3) Ibid- p.27
    (4) Ibid
    (5Records of the Colony of New Plymouth- Nathaniel Shurtleff, M.D., Boston, 1857, pp.173-4, 187-8
    (6) History of Harwich- p.29
    (7) Higgins Genealogy- p.30
    (8Records of the Colony of New Plymouth- Nathaniel Shurtleff, M.D., Boston, 1857, p. 201
    (9) Higgins Genealogy- p.33
    (10) Ibid
    (11) Ibid-p.34
    (12) Ibid- p.31
    (13) Ibid-p.34
    (14) Ibid
    (15) Ibid-pp.34-5
    (16) Land Grants, 1659-1710, Town of Eastham
    (17) Book of Land Grants of Eastham- p.98
    (18) Higgins in her genealogy lists Hannah as Jonathan's second wife. This may be the case, however, no record to prove this theory has been found to my knowledge. Besides the lack of evidence it seems unlikely that Jonathan would marry his dead wife's sister as there was a strong predudice against such a relationship as being illegal and incestuous. Therefore I seriously question whether this statement by Mrs. Higgins is accurate.

    Newbold Genealogy- Charles Platt Jr., New Hope, PA, 1964, pp.1, 60, 110


    b. July 1640 Plymouth, MA
    m. 24 Dec. 1661 LYDIA BANGS (d. after 13 Feb. 1706/7)
    d. 14 Mar. 1690/1 Eastham, MA
    Benjamin probably lived on lands which he received from his father in Pochet, now in East Orleans.

    "Benjamin Higgins hath a mare of a brownish bay color and one white foot, the other three feet partly white, with a white strip on her face, and running broad toward the right nostril, a piece cut out of the top side the near ear, and burn marked with E on the near shoulder." 14 July 1664.(1)

    On 2 Mar. 1668/9 Benjamin was sued by Peregrine White for a debt of £16. The disagreement was settled out of court and the suit was withdrawn.
    On 1 June 1675 Benjamin was one of the jury in a trial which caused the outbreak of King Philip's War. In 1662 Massasoit, Sachem of the Wampanoags, died and was succeeded by his son Wamsutta or Alexander who also died suddenly in 1662 possibly due to being poisoned by the English. His brother Metacom or Philip succeeded him as Sachem and was appropriately suspicious of the English and did not trust them. An Indian convert of Rev. Eliot's named Sassamon accompanied Philip to Boston as an interpreter and was his aide for some time. Sassamon, however betrayed Philip's secrets to the English concerning the Sachem's preparations for war because of his brother's supposed murder. Philip caught wind of this and went to Plymouth to free himself of suspicion. In the spring of the next year (1675) Sassamon was discovered in Assowomset Pond. An investigation led to the belief that he had been murdered the previous winter and his body thrown under the ice. Three Indians were arrested based on the testimony of another Indian who was an eye witness. The three were convicted by the jury, which included Benjamin, and were executed. This prompted the Wampanoags to declare war. Benjamin waa again on the jury in 1685 and on the grand jury in 1689.

    Because of his share in starting this conflict it is appropriate that he was a soldier in that war. His grandson received a grant in Narragansett Township No. 7 (Gorham, ME) for his grandfather's services.

    "In answare to a petition prefered to the Court by Benjamin Higgens in right of his father deceased, to be accommodated with land at Saconett (now Little Compton, RI) with the ptenors and servants there, the Court, generally conceiving that the said Richard Higgens had wronge in that he was not accommodated in the said land with the rest, severall of the ptenors being psent did engage before the Court that in case the petitioner shall and doe make his adresse to the rest of the companie interested in those lands, that they will pswade them that altho hee can not be supplyed out of the devided land of it, that he may bee competently supplyed in the undevided land thereof." 1 June 1675.(2)

    "The mark of the cattle of Benjamin Higgins is a piece cut off slanting on the fore side of the near ear, and a slit in where the piece is cut out. Entered this 17th April 1680."(3)

    On 5 May 1685 Benjamin was elected constable of the town and was confirmed by the General Court on 2 June 1685. He was elected selectman for Eastham on 4 June 1688.

    The inventory of his estate is dated 19 June 1691 and showed £85 in real estate and £206/6 in personal estate. "Memorandum: that Ichabod Higgins hath already had £10 and a piece of land on which his house stood, appraised at £9." An agreement was made that Ichabod should have cattle, bedding, boards, shingles and cash amounting to £20/5, Richard the loom and gears, 7 acres of land, a cutlass, cartridge box, cattle and cash worth £20/18, Joshua a gun, rapier, cartridge box, bedding, wearing clothes, powder and bullets, saddle and cloth, cattle, sheep and cash worth £20/5, Lydia was to have cattle, sheep, an iron pot, books, cloth and cash of £20, Isaac a gun, ammunition, a cutlass, cartridgebox, bedding, clothing, cattle, sheep and cash worth £20/5, Samuel a gun, sword, cartridge box, a book, bedding, clothes, ammunition, cattle, sheep and cash of £20/5, Benjamin was to have two- thirds of the house and one-third of the land and meadows with the widdow to have her third.(4)

    Lydia received from her brother Joshua's will 13 Feb. 1706/7 one-eighth part of his personal estate which might remain after his wife's death.

    On 20 Aug. 1711 the town of Eastham "Laid out to widdow Lidia Higgins for her natural life and then returns to the town, a parcel of land near the head of Namskaket on the Eastern side of the first lot which is the lot of Daniel Cole Sr."(5)

    Issue- all children born in Eastham.
  • I. Ichabod- b. 14 Nov. 1662, m. Melatiah Hamblen
  • 4II. RICHARD- b. 15 Oct. 1664, m. SARAH HAMBLEN (b. 1 July 1661, West Barnstable, m.2. 15 Nov. 1732 Lieut. John Cole of Eastham), d. 27 Apr. 1732 Eastham
  • III. John- b. 20 Nov. 1666, d. 13 June 1689
  • IV. Joshua- b. 1 Oct. 1668, m.1. Elizabeth Smith, 2. Priscilla Bixby, 3. Mary Baker
  • V. Lydia- b. May 1670, living 24 June 1691
  • VI. Isaac- b. 31 Aug. 1672, m. Lydia Collins
  • VII. Rebecca- b. 14 June 1674, d. Mar. 1675
  • VIII. Samuel- b. 7 Mar. 1676/7, m.1. Hannah Cole, 2. Thankful Mayo, 3. Elizabeth Harding.
  • 5IX. BENJAMIN- b. 15 Sept. 1681, m.1. 22 May 1701 SARAH FREEMAN (d. 21 Jan. 1743/4), 2. 28 June 1749 Truro, Mercy Freeman (b. 31 Aug. 1702, m.1. Caleb Hopkins, 3. 5 Dec. 1771 Ebenezer Dyer of Truro, d. Dec. 1786), will 1 July 1760- 11 May 1761


    (1Richard Higgins And His Descendants- Katherine Chapin Higgins, Worcester, 1918, p.52
    (2) Ibid
    (3) Ibid
    (4) Ibid- p.53
    (5) Ibid


    b. 15 Oct. 1664 Eastham, MA
    m. SARAH HAMBLEN (b. 1 July 1661 Barnstable, m.2. 15 Nov. 1732 Lieut. John Cole of Eastham)
    d. 27 Apr. 1732 Eastham
    will 24 Mar.-25 May 1732

    "A parcel of land laid out to Richard Higgins upon pochett containing 4 acres more or less lying on the easterly side of a lot of land which was his father's formerly Jonathan Sparrow's and at the southerly end of a parcel of land which was granted to his father..." 3 Apr. 1693.(1)

    Richard was also granted several pieces of land in 1711. He was a selectman from 1709 until 1711 and was on the jury in 1728/9. Richard was the hog-reeve in 1729.

    The inventory of Richard's estate was taken 25 May 1732 and amounted to £1292/4/1.

    Issue- all children born in Eastham.
  • I. Joshua- b. 1 Oct. 1668, m.1. Elizabeth Smith (b. 24 Feb. 1668), 2. 27 Oct. 1720 Boxford, MA, Priscilla Bixby (d. Jan. 1737/8), 3. int. 24 Sept. 1737 Mary Baker (living 13 Mar. 1750/1), d. after 3 May 1757 Eastham 
  • II. Eleazer- b. 9 Feb. 1696/7, m. Sarah ______
  • 6III. THEOPHILUS- b. 6 May 1698, m. 25 Apr. 1724 JOANNA YOUNG (b. 1 June 1703 Eastham, d. 22 Mar. 1767 Eastham), d. 12 Dec. 1780 Eastham 
  • IV. Jedidiah- b. 8 Feb. 1699/0, m. 9 Jan. 1728/9 Phoebe Freeman (d. 23 May 1759 Marshfield, MA), d. 6 Feb. 1732 Antigua 
  • V. Zaccheus- b. 11 Jan. 1701/2, d. 22 Aug. 1715
  • VI. Esther- b. 23 Feb. 1703/4, m. 15 Jan. 1733/4 Stephen Totman Jr. of Truro
  • VII. David- b. 5 Apr. 1706, m.1. 5 Oct. 1727 Eastham, Mercy Twining (b. 20 Feb. 1708), 2. 6 Oct. 1757 Middle Haddam, CT, Jane Brown (m.1. Theodore Higgins), d. July 1771 Middle Haddam, CT
  • VIII. Reuben- b. 6 Jan. 1708/9, m. Hannah Cole
  • IX. Moses- b. 24 Mar. 1710/1, m. Elizabeth Arey
  • X. Abigail- b. 8 Aug. 1715, m. 22 Mar. 1732/3 Reuben Merrick


    (1Richard Higgins And His Descendants- Katherine Chapin Higgins, Worcester, 1918, p.78


    b. 6 May 1698 Eastham, MA
    m. 25 Apr. 1724 JOANNA YOUNG (b. 1 June 1703 Eastham, d. 22 Mar. 1767 Eastham)
    d. 12 Dec. 1780 Eastham
    will 16 June- 21 Dec. 1780

    Theophilus was a juror in 1724 and in 1734. On 4 Mar. 1733/4 he was chosen to look after the boys and disorderly persons and in 1736 he was chosen "to look after the children on the Lord's day". Theophilus was a precinct officer in 1757 and in 1761. In 1762 he was a selectman and in 1768 an assessor.

  • I. Richard- b. 29 Mar. 1725, d. 11 Aug. 1747
  • II. Jeanette- b. 20 Jan. 126/7, m. 18 Mar. 1756 Elisha Smith (b. 10 Dec. 1727, d. 4 May 1795), d. 1813
  • III. Eunice- b. 27 Mar. 1729, d.s.p. after 8 June 1781
  • 7IV. MARY- b. 21 Sept. 1731, m. 4 Mar. 1756 ELIPHALET NICKERSON (b. 30 June 1731 Harwich, MA, d. Orrington, ME)
  • V. Josiah- b. 28 Dec. 1733, d. 3 Sept. 1757
  • VI. Nathan- b. 2 Aug. 1736, m. Jerusha Mayo
  • VII. Eleazer- b. 18 Oct. 1738, probably d.s.p.
  • VIII. Levi- b. 27 June 1743, m.1. Bathsheba Young, 2. Mary Higgins


    Richard Higgins And His Descendants- Katherine Chapin Higgins, Worcester, 1918, pp.112-3
    The Nickerson Family- p.188


    b. 15 Sept. 1681 Eastham, MA
    m.1. 22 May 1701 SARAH FREEMAN (d. 21 Jan. 1743/4 Eastham)
    2. 28 June 1749 Truro, Mercy Freeman (b. 31 Aug. 1702, m.1. Caleb Hopkins, 3. 5 Dec. 1771 Ebenezer Dyer of Truro, d. Dec. 1786)
    will 1 July 1760- 11 May 1761

    Benjamin was the tithing man in 1714, a juryman in 1719/20, 1730, 1737 and 1738. He was elected constable on 16 Mar. 1725/6. He received a grant from the town to land on the Town Flat on 26 July 1703.

    On 11 June 1752 "Benjamin Higgins yeoman of Eastham for ten shillings eight pence sold to Benjamin Higgins the third of Eastham one acre and a quarter of land near my dwelling house, where my orchard now is, bounded beginning at my dwelling house... and then runs one pole to the south part of my house..."(1)

    Issue- all children born in Eastham.
  • I. Priscilla- b. 17 Nov. 1702, int. 15 Sept. 1722 Jonathan Smith
  • 8II. THOMAS- b. 24 June 1704, m. 12 Oct. 1727 Eastham, ABIAGAIL PAINE (b. 3 Aug. 1707 Eastham), d.c.1789 Wellfleet, MA
  • III. Sarah- b. 13 July 1706, int. 4 July 1724 Jesse Smith (b. 31 Jan. 1703/4)
  • IV. Paul- b. 25 June 1708, m. 3 Oct. 1737 Rebecca Mayo (b. 19 Apr. 1714 Eastham, d. 1776 Eastham), d. 1801 Orleans 
  • V. Reliance- b. 13 May 1710, probably d.s.p.
  • VI. Elizabeth- b. 1 Apr. 1712, m. 8 Mar. 1731/2 Henry Young (b. 23 Mar. 1710/1)
  • VII. Experience- b. 31 Jan. 1713/4, m.1. int. 3 May 1734 Israel Coombs, 2. _____ Toby or Foby
  • VIII. Benjamin- b. 1 Mar. 1715/6, m.1. Hannah Higgins, 2. Margaret Sears
  • IX. Thankful- b. 28 Oct. 1717, int. 25 Apr. 1741 Theophilus Mayo Jr.
  • X. Zaccheus- b. 15 Aug. 1719, m. Rebecca Young
  • XI. Solomon- b. 8 Sept. 1721, m.1. Bethiah Chase, 2. Esther Deane?
  • XII. Lois- b. 6 Aug. 1723, m. ______ ?Kirkham
  • XIII. Isaac- b. 12 July 1725, m. Rebecca Mayo
  • XIV. Freeman- b. 28 July 1727, m.1. Martha Cole, 2. Thankful Hopkins


    (1Richard Higgins And His Descendants- Katherine Chapin Higgins, Worcester, 1918, p.86

    8II. THOMAS (ROBERT 1, RICHARD 2, BENJAMIN 3, BENJAMIN 4)b. 24 June 1704 Eastham, MA
    m. 12 Oct. 1727 Eastham, ABIGAIL PAINE (b. 3 Aug. 1707 Eastham)
    d.c.1789 Eastham
    Thomas settled in the North Precinct of Eastham which is now Wellfleet. On 14 Mar. 1747/8 he was chosen to be on the Precinct committee and on 19 Mar. 1749/0 he was an assessor. He was a juryman in 1728 and 1733. Thomas was the surveyor of highways in 1742. In April 1741 he, along with Jabez Snow, were masters of a porpoise voyage. In 1760 he was a selectman and tithingman.

    Issue- all children born in Eastham.
  • I. Philip- b. 28 Jan. 1727/8, m. Mary Wiley
  • II. Thomas- b. 1 Jan. 1729/0, m.1. 28 Dec. 1751 Anne Treat (d.c. 1769), 2. 31 May 1777 Ruth Rich (d. 6 Jan. 1826), d. 31 Oct. 1809 Wellfleet 
  • III. Benjamin- b. 8 Feb. 1731/2, m. 21 Aug. 1766 Hannah Mayo (b. 28 Nov. 1724 Eastham)
  • 9IV. JONATHAN- b. 10 Apr. 1734, m.1. 22 Nov. 1753 SARAH COOMBS (b. 4 Apr. 1729 Eastham), 2. 10 June 1777 Bethiah Snow (d. 23 Oct. 1783), 3. int. 11 Feb. 1785 Eunice Brown (b.c.1755, d. 11 Oct. 1819 Wellfleet), d. 10 Jan. 1821 Wellfleet 
  • V. Jesse- b. 21 Feb. 1736, m. 28 Apr. 1757 Experience Hinckley. Jesse moved to Georgetown, ME and then to Lewiston, ME.
  • VI. Thankful- b. 9 Apr. 1738, m. 25 Nov. 1756 Isaac Freeman, d. 29 Jan. 1824 Wellfleet
  • VII. Sarah- b. 17 July 1740, m. 13 Apr. 1758 Jonas Dean (b. 27 Oct. 1732 Barnstable, MA)
  • VIII. Solomon- b. 15 July 1743, m.1. 24 Jan. 1760 Margaret Holbrook, 2. 28 Oct. 1773 Abigail Pierce, living in 1790 Wellfleet

    Ref:Richard Higgins And His Descendants- Katherine Chapin Higgins, Worcester, 1918, pp.123-4

    9IV. JONATHAN (ROBERT 1, RICHARD 2, BENJAMIN 3, BENJAMIN 4, THOMAS 5)b. 10 Apr. 1734 Eastham, MA
    m.1. 22 Nov. 1753 SARAH COOMBS (b. 4 Apr. 1729 Eastham)
    2. 10 June 1777 Bethiah Snow (d. 23 Oct. 1783 Eastham)
    3. int. 11 Feb. 1785 Eunice Brown (b.c.1755, d. 11 Oct. 1819 Wellfleet)
    d. 10 Jan. 1821 Wellfleet, MA
    Jonathan was a resident of the North Precinct of Eastham, which is now the town of Wellfleet. He was a deacon of the church in Wellfleet.
    As a selectman of Eastham he signed the account of the town for the care of an indigent stranger and the petition to the county court for reimbursement 6 Apr. 1767.(1)
    The distribution of his estate was made 11 July 1821 and apparently everything was given to his son Elnathan.

    Issue-all children born in Eastham/Wellfleet
  • I. Jonathan- b. 6 Nov. 1754, int. 22 Apr. 1785 Mercy Pike, d. 1819 Truro, MA
  • II. Sarah- b. 11 Feb. 1756
  • 10III. PAINE- b. 15 Dec. 1758, m. 10 Apr. 1782 ELIZABETH HARDING, d. 4 June 1812 Wellfleet
  • IV. Mary- b. 12 June 1761
  • V. Lois- b. 12 Aug. 1763, m. 1790 ? Edward Hawes of Barnstable
  • VI. Anna- b. 15 Sept. 1767
  • VII. Nathaniel Snow- b. 20 Sept. 1778, m. 13 Mar. 1802 Rebecca Harding Young (b. 24 Oct. 1783 Truro or Wellfleet, d. 5 Dec. 1864 Duxbury, MA), d. 25 Jan. 1859 Duxbury 
  • VIII. Benjamin- b. 24 Feb. 1780
  • IX. Edward- b. 5 Mar. 1782, d.s.p.
  • X. Henry- b. 23 Oct. 1783, m. Hannah Harding Newcomb
  • XI. Bethiah- b. 14 Nov. 1785, m. 4 Oct. 1804 Joseph Swett of Wellfleet
  • XII. Ezekiel- b. 11 Sept. 1788, m.1. Jemima Atwood, 2. Jerusha Knowles
  • XIII. Sarah- b. 30 Nov. 1790, m. 28 Nov. 1815 Eben Wiley
  • XIV. Elnathan- b. 20 July 1793, m. Thankful Swett. Elnathan's home is still standing and is located on the north side of Pamet Point Rd.
  • XV. Olive- b. 28 July 1795, m. 8 Jan. 1822 John E. Kemp
  • XVI. Hannah Horton- b. 17 June 1798, m. Thomas Cobb of Truro

    Ref:(1) Mass. Archives- Vol.118, pp.275-7

    Richard Higgins And His Descendants- Katherine Chapin Higgins, Worcester, 1918, pp.189-0

    10III. PAINE (ROBERT 1, RICHARD 2, BENJAMIN 3, BENJAMIN 4, THOMAS 5, JONATHAN 6)b. 15 Dec. 1758 Wellfleet, MA
    m. 10 Apr. 1782 ELIZABETH HARDING
    d. 4 June 1812 Wellfleet, MA
    Paine lived in Wellfleet. He served in the Revolutionary War in Capt. John Gill's Co., Col. Thomas Crafts' Regt.

    Issue- all children born in Wellfleet

    I. Martha- b. 15 Dec. 1782, int. 3 Nov. 1819 Benjamin Rich Wetherell
    II. Samuel- b. 27 May 1786, m. Lucy Newcomb
    11III. ELIZABETH- b. 25 Nov. 1788, m. 25 Sept. 1811 BENJAMIN NICKERSON (b. 18 June 1787 Orrington, ME, d. 21 May 1879 Orrington), d. 18 Aug. 1870 Orrington
    IV. Hannah- b. 20 Aug. 1793, m. ______ Lewis of Wellfleet
    V. Temperance- b. 25 June 1796, m. 5 June 1818 Cornelius Harding


    Richard Higgins And His Descendants- Katherine Chapin Higgins, Worcester, 1918, pp.290-1

  • Friday

    "Fly" by Amy Obenski & The Carbone Band (at Maison des Arts, France)

    My dear friend, Amy Obenski traveled to France and made this recording of "Fly" written by Amy and The Carbone Band  (Josselin Sebille, Philippe Crochet & Mourad Ait Abdelmalek). This performance was recorded at La Maison des Arts in Saint Herblain, France, November 8th, 2013.

    A second video of the same song performed by Amy is below, for your comparison, performed in the United States with Steve Uccello and John Russell at Don Quixote's in Felton, California. . Film Credits: Ryan Keenan - photography and sound; Vincent Lowe - direction and editing