

44 Books I Read in 2011


A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius *****
Author: Dave Eggers

Steve Jobs ****
Author: Walter Isaacson

The Emperor of All Maladies *****
Author: Siddhartha Mukherjee

The Time Traveler’s Wife ****
Author: Audrey Niffenegger

No Impact Man ****
Author: Colin Beavan

The Son of Man ****
Author: Charles W. Johnson

The Help ****
Author: Kathryn Stockett

2:46: Aftershocks: Stories from the Japan Earthquake ***
Authors: William Gibson, Yoko Ono, Barry Eisler, Jake Adelstein, & The quakebook community

Palm Trees on the Hudson: ***
A True Story of the Mob, Judy Garland & Interior Decorating
Author: Elliot Tiber

Jerome and the Seraph (Quantum Cat) **
Author: Robina Williams

Admit One: My Life in Film ***
Author: Emmett James

The Man Who Would Be King ***
Author: Rudyard Kipling

Soul Identity ****
Author: Dennis Batchelder

The Bookseller of Kabul ***
Author: Asne Seierstad & Ingrid Christophersen

To the Is-Land ****
Author: Janet Frame

An Angel at My Table ****
Author: Janet Frame

The Envoy from Mirror City ***
Author: Janet Frame

Writing Life Stories ****
Author: Bill Roorbach

Rainbows End *****
Author: Vernor Vinge

Labor of Love: The Story of One Man's Extraordinary Pregnancy ***
Author: Thomas Beatie

Not Buying It: My Year Without Shopping ****
Author: Judith Levine

Cats Are Not Peas: A Calico History of Genetics *****
Author: Laura L. Gould

Bel Canto ****
Author: Ann Patchett

Not Wanted on the Voyage ****
Author: Timothy Findley

Wake Up, I'm Fat! ***
Author: Camryn Manheim

Wrestling with the Angel: A Life of Janet Frame ***
Author: Michael King

Raleigh's Lost Colony ****
Author: David N. Durant

An American Childhood *****
Author: Annie Dillard

Pleasure: new poems ****
Author: Gary Young

No Other Life ****
Author: Gary Young

Snow Flower and the Secret Fan *****
Author: Lisa See

Porter Gulch Review 2011 ****
Authors: Many

The Funniest Cop Stories Ever **
Authors:  Tom Philbin, & Scott Baker

Pompeii: City on Fire **
Author: T.L. Higley

Memoirs of a Snowflake *
Author: Joe Vasicek

The Big 5-OH! *
Author: Sandra D. Bricker

Coffin Humor: A Short Story *
Author: John Brinling

Hilda - Snow White Revisited *
Author: Paul Kater

Antiques Roadkill: A Trash 'n' Treasures Mystery **
Author: Barbara Allan

Fat, Forty, Fired **
Author: Nigel Marsh

The Apothecary's Daughter ***
Author: Julie Klassen

Boneshaker **
Author: Cherie Priest

I don't keep an ongoing list of my reading material. Perhaps I should in the future. I had to go through my list of purchases of hard copy books from and Amazon to jog my memory. After this, I perused my bookshelves and found a few more. Even though I have about 451 books in my Kindle. It was easy to compile.

It surprises me that I read all those. I have some others, too, which I started then set down somewhere forgetting about them. I didn't put them in the list.


  1. I also read lots of books. The library is usually my source, but I have read at least 1 or 2 books a week. I am reading mysteries mostly escape stuff, but I love the escape.

    Good list and I really admire your reading the non-fiction books!

  2. Thank you, Ciss. I used to be a heavy fiction reader. But, now I have to be convinced to read non-fiction. I think my brain reversed polarity or something! You might find Soul Identity to be a good read if you like Mysteries. I found the whole concept fascinating, and I know there are more stories by that author which include the main investigator character. I've got my eye open for the same author this year.

  3. Great list - and what an accomplishment! I am working hard at reading more this year - one of my goals for 2012. Your post has inspired me even more! Thanks! : )

    1. Thanks, Jen. Having the Kindle helped me considerably. I read faster on it, and can take it anywhere with me. Still attached to hard copy books, too. But, looking through the tunnel of my future, I see more Kindle reading, especially since I get so many ebooks for free.


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