

Confessions of Christmas Indulgences



Five flavors of Lindor truffles, imported puffy crisp cookies, chocolate covered macadamia nuts, rasberry streusel cakes...

Yeah! Yep! Yes! That's right! 
All of them... in the garbage! 


  1. Yay!! Good for you!! I dumped a bunch of the Christmas *crap* before we left....I love clearing out all that heavy junk. Before we had kids in the house, we were really strict about what kind of carbo/sweets we had in our cupboards...of course, we were a lot better off for it, too. Still, those Lindt truffles are yummy.

  2. I can't stand the sight of all the Christmas *crap* anymore!I plan on dumping it tonight! All I want is a big plate of fresh vegetables!

  3. Yep .. I've over indulged too. I'm now back on the straight and narrow ...

  4. I spent Christmas with family. We all decided next year... fruit sculptures and quality recipes. I got so sick not eating right. Now I understand where the New Year's Resolutions come from!


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