

Geneen Roth, Women Food and God

Oh, how I wish I could attend this event. Geneen Roth is going to be in Watsonville soon. I have a previous engagement from which I cannot excuse myself somewhere else. I met Geneen years ago and she inspired me so much.

I can't wait to get my hands on a copy of her new book. I'd like to understand my most unusual relationship to food. Due to medical problems I can barely eat enough to sustain proper nutrition, but it sure doesn't look that way. My body hangs on to every ounce I ever had. I would like to look at this as normal and maybe even spiritual as it looks like her book elucidates:

Women Food and God: An Unexpected Path to Almost Everything

"The way you eat is inseparable from your core beliefs about being alive. No matter how sophisticated or wise or enlightened you believe you are, how you eat tells all. The world is on your plate. When you begin to understand what prompts you to use food as a way to numb or distract yourself, the process takes you deeper into realms of spirit and to the bright center of your own life. Rather than getting rid of or instantly changing your conflicted relationship with food, Women Food and God is about welcoming what is already here, and contacting the part of yourself that is already whole—divinity itself."

Read more from her site


  1. I've just begun to read it and the first chapter is something else! I think I saw her on Oprah recently too...She is really something!

  2. Ciss, Yes, she was on Oprah a few months ago. That's what got me remembering her and looking into this process of our relationship to food and God.

  3. This book has some amazing advice and insights hidden amongst a lot of average writing. I did not like the author's writing style, I found myself having to read some rambling sentences over and over again to make sense of them. I also agree with many reviewers that the title is misleading and the suthor does not view God as many women who pick up this book might, but the main message of the book made up for it. Geneen Roth makes a lot of sense with what she says, especially if you are an emotional, compulsive eater. Every few pages I found one or two sentences that completely enlightened me and really made sense. I have read other books on similar theories of this way of eating and I liked this one for the fact that it had some really touching parts that will hit close to your heart.

  4. Thank you so much for your feedback! It's nice to have.


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