

Let's Kill Cancer!

October 2nd is the anniversary of Lance Armstrong's cancer diagnosis and it will be a global day of action. On this day we gather to celebrate survivorship and commit to working towards a world without cancer.

Host a LIVESTRONG Day event and put it on the map. Raise awareness. Raise funds. Register to create your event page and tell the world.

If you can't pull together hundreds of people to organize a big bash, that's okay. Get together with some friends, decorate in yellow, wear the LIVESTRONG wristband and remember those in your lives affected by cancer. Or choose some other significant way to participate with the rest of the world in the plans to kill cancer!


  1. Hi Elizabeth, have yoo seen our blog recently? We are supporting LIVESTRONG and loads of other kitties are joining in.

    See this post for FREE tag:

    And this one to read abowt LIVESTRONG:

    We are with yoo all the way!

    Milo and Alfie and our Mom.

  2. Thank you for posting this...I found a place in Albuquerque that is hosting an event, I'm not sure I'll be able to make it but I will try. Our family has lost a lot of people to cancer and had a few survivors.

    Hope you are doing well!

  3. Cancer took my dad. I always donate what I can when they come by my home during the drive here. Thanks for the reminder.


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