

Voice Spectacular!

My granddaughter had surgery to remove four bone tumors from her leg nineteen days ago.

She performed this song while standing on a cast to her knee and ace wrapped to the top of the thigh.

She just celebrated her 13th birthday recently. I think she is just as indomitable as the meaning of her song. I'm so proud of Chloe, I just have to share her incredible voice with you!

Being Chloe's grandmother, maybe my viewpoint is prejudiced. I want to share her voice spectacular with the world.  If you like her singing, you can let her know what you think. Please stop by and make a comment where her youtube is actually located. I think she might enjoy knowing you like her voice, too.


  1. I can't leave a comment on youtube without signing into my account. I can't find my password at the moment, so I will comment here. Chloe has a beautiful voice. Has she ever thought of trying out for American Idol?

  2. Love the song! And the very strong young singer, too. Chloe is really good!

  3. Thank you, Ciss. Good to know I'm not just being granny.

    Linda, Funny you should mention American Idol. My grand niece just auditioned for them in Austin TX. Still waiting to hear. However, I believe this video of Chloe is going to be sent in to the Ellen Degeneres show.

  4. Chloe is awe inspiring and has a beautiful voice too.

    BTW: Thanks for doing the reference so quickly too.

    Jan xx

  5. Wow, what a voice! I'll go to youtube and make a comment.


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