

Life Project

Life isn’t a project to be completed; 
it is an unknowable landscape to be explored.

David Brooks
NY Times Op-Ed Columnist


  1. Hi Eliz, That's some picture. After the rain, electricity in the air. I imagine it's HDR imaging? There's something unsettling about the intensity of color and light, surreal, hyper realist and oddly attractive.

  2. Love that photo! And the author of that statement is right - it's all about the journey, not the results or the winning.

  3. Thank you, Ciss. Photo is one of my favorite views on the way out of town on road to Mount Madonna.

  4. Hi Judith, I'm not sure what HDR means. I took the picture a few days before Equinox in 2003 at 2PM. I did try to darken the exposure because of the hazy mistiness over the hills. With the winter months of rain, that's the greenest it gets around here. By May, things are pretty much dried up. See here for sister picture


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