

Redwood Forest Family

When they visit...

friends and family,

I take them to the redwoods

up at Big Basin

always driving the winding roads,

the ones with the dips

and curves on the edges.

Everyone is talking,

making up for lost time,

sharing about the kids,

the new house, the loss

of beloved Fluffy,

graduation, weddings...

I drive, smiling and nodding,

loving every minute.

The trees are getting taller

the ravines deeper, curves sharper

I put the windows down,

for fresh air, I say.

But really... it's to invite

the forest, breathing

it's ancient silence,

into the car.

Then, no one talks.

They just look.

I park the car and

the Old Ones

stand over us.

Insignificant humans.


  1. Love your poem...AND theREDWOODS too.

  2. We share a love for the redwood forests. I'm amazed by this photo. Thanks for sharing it.

  3. I hope to one day see the redwood forest. Loved your poem and the photograph accompanying the poem!

  4. Linda, I would love to see photos YOU would take in the redwoods!!! Come on out!

  5. Saw your other redwood pix on your photo sight too. Awesome!


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