

For Genealogy Purposes

1949 February 1

This letter is from Flora Waite’s half sister written to Flora’s daughter, Hazel Dean English

Dear Hazel,

Was so glad to hear from you. My hand is rather shaky, But will try and write you a few lines. You ask me my age. If I live til the 28th of next month I  will be 84, so you see I am not young any more. I hope you can come and see me if you make thee trip you spoke about next summer.

My hearing is good, can see pretty good, so I have no reason to complaine. But my hands are pretty crippled and a good many aches and pains all over my body. I am afraid I can’t help out much with thee family names. My Fathers name and of course would be your mother’s father was Levi Waite. Your Mothers mother died when your mother must have been quite young. Your mother had 2 sisters older than she was. I don’t  know her mothers name. Then my Father married again. My Grandfathers name was Aidin Waite, But I can’t remember my Grandmother Waite’s name as she died when I was quite young. Your Father & Mother came to visit us quite often when I was a young girl and before I was married I spent several weeks two different times with them. I can’t remember just thee number of kiddies they had then.

I hope to hear from you again and sure hop to see you & your husband this summer. I know we would have a good visit. Clyde & Edith would like to meet you.

Love to you & your family
Aunt Florence Hoyt

Louise Waite Brown (mother’s sister)
Clyde & Edythe
Children of Aunt Florence
Lived in Erie, PA


  1. I love genealogy! I'm looking forward this fall to doing some more of my own research at the genealogy library at Western Michigan U.

  2. Ciss, I have some Michigan ancestry, too. Owosso, Lansing area

  3. are there any of your Hoyt's in New Jersey? That is my niece's married name.

  4. The Hoyt family lived in Western NY, Western PA and Ohio at the time this was written as well as back to about 1812. If you think you have a connection, I will share what I have.


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