

I saw a pod of of dolphins

Dolphin day in monterey bay


  1. I can just see what I think is the pod! Cool.

  2. This was taken with my cell phone. It was so sunny out, I could hardly tell what showed up on the pic. But sent it to the blog anyways. Now that I've looked at it. I can see one obvious shadow when enlarged. Wish I had a telephoto lens!

  3. I can't see them :-( Good picture, though, for a cell phone camera!

    I saw dolphins for the first time in May 2007, while vacationing at the Outer Banks in NC. I couldn't get enough of watching (and photographing) them. I didn't have a long telephoto lens then, so my pictures didn't turn out too well. I wonder if I will see any dolphins while in Hawaii? If I do, perhaps I will get some good pictures now that I have a telephoto lens!


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