


Today, I drove into parking lot at my doctor's office which overlooks the cemetary. I've always thought it odd his office should be located there where patients can have the visual reminder. I felt just a tinge of irony until I saw several people walking the paths wearing Ipods or just talking with one another, a guy on a bike.

The juxtaposition of the very much living with the very far gone away threw me back in time... sitting in the car with friends driving through to the end where the pond was, throwing stones and munching on treats.

Still, even the boys wanted to make sure we got back to the car and out of there before the sun went down. No one made jokes or poked fun at one another for feeling squeamish, it was just an unspoken understanding that it was time to leave.


  1. I see the two the doctor's office ans cemetery as along the same path in life. Too many ignore the fact that death is a part of living...I know that because I almost died after nearly bleeding to death after having my second child.

    Living each day is a gift since then.

  2. I've had a near death experience too, twice. I agree. Everyday since then is a gift, and every breath a wonder


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