


Returning from the midwest
flat, lifeless,
humidity stifling,
we craved the sight
of that vast limitless sea.
We wanted to taste
salt water on our lips,
breathe in seaweed enhanced air,
listen to barking seals,
the waves breaking on the shoreline.
We anticipated our bodies tingling
with electrifying exhilaration of the ozone,
bringing life back into our starving lungs.

We had missed it so much
that vast subtle azure
meeting with the gray horizon
kissing the clouds
watching over us.

We could feel a sweetness,
a freshness,
a newness,
as though we had never
been here before.

We stood at the end of the land
on the cliffs
reveling at the rythym
of the tides below,
counting seven waves
hoping it was true
that there is a cycle to the swells.
to walk
on hot glittering sand
in our bare feet,
to squish our toes
into the edge of the foamy brine.
We could hardly wait
for the water to caress our feet,
to roll up our pantlegs
and wade as deep as our knees.
the current pulling at us,
daring the depths to take us away.
We knew we would stay
in the water
until our legs were cold and numb

We climbed down
the precarious zig zag path
where we had been before
so many years ago.
We were like lighthearted children
splashing as we ran
alongside the puddles
and clumps of seaweed,
disturbing the seagulls,
there cries piercing the air.

Slowing down
to pick up seashells
and smoothed pieces of colored glass
green, brown, red
and our favorite...

We passed around
the corner edge of the cliff
seeking the wall where the mermaid
had been etched by some ambitious artist
How had he done it?
Did he hang off the side
by a rope? stand on a tall ladder?
Certainly, it was magic!
Around the bend
searching the tide pools
seeking the crabs,
we were not aware
of the rising tide,
of the increasing
strength of the wind
in that protected cove.

Was it someone above us
hollering a warning
to return?
A surfer, maybe?
Was it intuition?
We turned and saw
the threatening sea rushing in
as the sun prepared to set.

At sea level
we would be
at the mercy of the rising tide.
Hurrying now,
adrenaline rushing up our spines,
tightening our throats
vibrating through our muscles.
The slippery challenge of the rocks
threatening to toss us off
like pieces of driftwood.

We clung to the edge of the cliff
scraping our hands,
where it cleaved to the shore.
Water weighed us down
as we tried to run,
in heavy slow motion,
being held back
like those in a dream,
the tangled seaweed
hampering our escape
gut wrenching fear driving us on.

At the last moment
in grateful relief,
we safely ascend.


Note: Based on a true experience


  1. *WHEW*; glad you safely ascended! Your poem read quite well. I could feel myself build with anticipation as the waves swelled. Wonderful imagery throughout your poem and great photographs to accompany your words.

  2. Just came across your blog. Great Poem! Great pix!

  3. interesting meanderings. I am a poetry lover who cannot quite produce the lined wonders very well. You however, seem to understand it better than I!

  4. Thank you, Ciss. I'm not so sure I understand it. I've just been writing for many years, poetry and other stuff, mostly for catharsis and memoir. Just recently signed up for classes with author, poet, Ellen Bass. Hope to learn to hone my skills.

  5. Darlene, Thank you. Hope you will stop by again.

  6. Love the photos and the poem. There is nothing as wild and wonderful as the sea.

  7. Beautiful pictures! I haven't been to the beach since I was eleven years old. We didn't get to enjoy it much either because the wind was blowing so hard the sand was stinging our legs. Someday, I'll get to visit again, hopefully with my kids.

  8. Your poetry is so visual I could imagine I was right there! Love the pictures


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