

Return to Roots

Swaying in the breeze, the willow cried.
Wind wanting to comfort her,
could not.

Of all the people on the earth,
she loved that child the most.
The one who sat beneath her daily
her back leaning against the bark.

Willow's roots embracing her
like a babe in arms.
Willow's branches swayed,
touching her hair as she played
happily, with her dolls
and now she was going away,
far, far, away to another place.

Ever wonder why willows weep?
Ever wonder why girls cry?

Poem and photograph by Elizabeth Munroz

1 comment:

  1. Nice photo and poem. I remember playing in and under the trees at my grandma's house when I was little. She had a pear tree that was so big we used to play under it without having to duck to avoid branches. She had spearmint leaves growing around the outside perimeter of the tree and my brothers and I would always pick one to rub together and smell. Oh, it smelled so good. Her entire yard was filled with fruit trees and flowers...a truly wonderful place to spend time. Wish my kids could have seen it. Thank you for bringing back a sweet memory.

    Happy Valentine's Day to you also!


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