

Plans for Life, not just New Years!


Thinking about plans for the New Year, I came across something that made me want to plan for life. So, I pulled out some of my artwork to accompany the following.

Practiced regularly, Thai meditations are said to lead to enlightenment by overcoming the Ten Fetters, or negative states of mind. . . and to help generate the Ten Virtues, which can be cultivated at every opportunity!

What are the Ten Fetters? The Ten Virtues?  
Find out, become aware and be inspired.

The Ten Fetters

1. Self-illusion - the belief that your ego is real

2. Ignorance - willfully causing negative mental states

3. Sensual craving - craving after objects which taste, smell, sound, feel, or look good

4. Ill-will - anger, hatred, jealousy, bitterness, etc.

5. Skepticism - doubt (especially self-doubt)

6. Restlessness - inability to sit still and concentrate

7. Conceit - self-centeredness

8. Attachment - to religion and rituals

9. Craving for material existence - desiring endless life on earth, or being afraid to die

10. Craving for non-material existence - desiring to die

The Ten Virtues 

1. Generosity

2. Morality

3. Non-attachment

4. Wisdom

5. Energy

6. Patience, tolerance, and forbearance

7. Honesty

8. Determination

9. Loving kindness (metta)

10. Equanimity

Adapted from The Spiritual Healing of Traditional Thailand, 
by C. Pierce Salguero (Findhorn Press, 2006).

info borrowed from

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