

Photo Friday - Patterned View

Something I saw in the hardware store.

Florist shop warehouse ceiling. 

Pleated lamp shade while light is on.


Odd plastic lampshade from inside looking toward center


  1. Very Arty shots ~ I like them.

    Although I have an all singing, all dancing Digital SLR with fantastic lens collection ~ it's not practical to carry it around with me day to day ~ so I carry a purse size digial coolpix. And having it with me at all times leads me to LOOK more. I find myself looking for photo opportunities everywhere. I'm guessing you do the same. It makes one more aware.

  2. Lovely shots!

    By the way, it isn't me visiting as Stacey. I use my cat's login on blogger :)


  3. Very good shot. I went through some stuff at home to find my Photo Friday pics.


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