

Cat Vs. Foot... No Winner!

I just downloaded a couple hundred pictures from my camera. Most are now deleted, but there are several shots which go in succession, and this the one I chose to post to LOL cats.... You know, those "I can has cheezburger" cats. There must be a million of them floating around in cyberspace.

Though, I've created a few before, this is the one that finally made me laugh, even before I thought to caption it.

It's my kitty, Spyder, whose spontaneous reaction is priceless!

I hope you get a kick out of it, share it with your friends and help to vote it into popularity. Click on the picture to do so.

EW!!!               peepul paws iz gross!!
moar funny pictures


  1. LOL! I love it! And I voted for it!

  2. Totally cute! It made me giggle, and for a Monday that is great!

  3. I'm so glad you enjoyed. This goofy kitty brings me so much pleasure!


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