

Photo Friday - Incredible close up… can you guess what it is?

I had wanted one of these for a long time and in this color. A friend of mine, Jimmy, from the MHE group came to visit and saw my collection and so picked this one out for me. it was the right color to complete my collection.  

MHE, by the way, is Multiple Hereditary Exostoses (or Osteochondromas) This is a benign bone tumor condition which sometimes can transform into a malignant cancer called Chondrosarcoma. I have MHE as do other members of my family. Thank Heavens I am the only one that has had the cancer. I hope it stays this way. I have survived more than 40 years since diagnosed.

This is a close up. Can you guess what it is?

This is the same object, different view,  with a little color change benefit of Photoshop

Now can you guess what it is? 

This is the last hint


Revealing is below





The close up picture above is of the one in the middle.
The one on the left is actually a vase with pennies in it.
The one on the right is clear with Chinese writing on it saying Good Fortune, Long Life.
It sits on a square crystal. I have others not shown here.


  1. As soon as I saw it I thought it is a paperweight ~ with mabe flower petals or nature things embedded inside. Amazing close up.

    I have a small collection of paperweights to.

    Mine is here:

  2. I had no idea what it could be! Beautiful colours!

    (oh this is me Tracey at - you already visited me)

  3. I love the coloring in that. My grandmother had a few of those...hers were shaped of them was a rooster. I have one too that is a cat and it has fish inside it.

  4. A cat with a fish inside. What a cute idea!


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