

National Something-or-Other Day/Month

I just learned that November is National Blog Posting Month. The only requirement is that you post every day.

It doesn't look like I will be doing that, since I will need to produce at least 1666 words a day in order to complete 50,000 words in one month through National Writing Novel Month.

According to a family member, yesterday was Paint Your Own Portrait Day. I can't find the link for it, and no, I didn't paint my own portrait, though I have done several stylized ones photoshop.

1 comment:

  1. Hi,
    It is also Pulmonary Hypertension awareness month. It is a fatal disease, but life can be prolonged if treated properly. Not very many people know about it. It is a disease that effects the veins in the lungs and makes breathing very difficult and most people that have it have to be on oxygen. I have a friend that has it along with a number of other things that are strangely connected with it.

    Just thought you'd like to friend told me it was PH Awareness month on Monday. Their ribbon is like the pink breast cancer ribbon but it's color is periwinkle blue which represents the blue lips that most PH patients have.


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