

Photo Friday - Halloween


My grand doggie, Martin, an Alaskan Husky dresses up for Halloween.
He doesn't look too happy about it, now, does he?

My daughter and my great grand doggie, Spike, in his Halloween pumpkin costume. Spike just loves to dress up! He's all about style!

My great granddaughter in her ghostly make up and outfit.
It sure makes her look much more scary with those front teeth missing. Little Miss Dracula, shall we say?

My Granddaughter, and great grand daughter in a quiet moment.

Just one more look at Halloween!
This is my old room mate and her cat.
Can you guess why she's not my room mate anymore?


  1. A fabulous collection of pics. Sorry I'm late seeing them ~ I was at the hospital all dau yesterday (a 10 hour round trip just to spend 8 minutes with the consultant). And my new baby grand-daughter was born today to my daughter-in-law and eldest son ~ a Halloween baby!


  2. Nice pictures! I love the animal pictures especially the first one.

    Happy Halloween!



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