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Besides being creepy and invasive, these ad networks are your competition! They are selling your attention without your permission.

Throw these ad networks off your trail by deleting cookies via your web browser preferences.

Now for the good kind of cookies you wont want to delete:

A Cape Cod-style house was built in 1709, where road-weary travelers stopped halfway between Boston and New Bedford, Massachusetts. In order to travel further on people paid a toll, changed horses and ate much-welcomed home-cooked meals.

A little after two hundred years later Kenneth and Ruth Wakefield purchased that house and decided to open a lodge, calling it the Toll House Inn.

In keeping with the tradition of creating delicious homemade meals, Ruth baked for guests who stayed at the there. As she improved upon traditional Colonial recipes, Ruth's incredible desserts began attracting people from all over New England.

To learn more about this story you can visit the Nestle Toll House site, plus you will find a lot of delicious cookie recipes you wont want to delete, except, maybe, by eating them!

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