

New Treatment For Varicose Veins Uses Crochet Hooks

New Treatment For Varicose Veins Uses Crochet Hooks

ScienceDaily (2007-10-22) -- UCLA's chief of vascular surgery picks up size 7 crochet hooks from a fabric store -- not to make sweaters or scarves but to use in a new technique he has developed to treat varicose veins. Early results of the new outpatient procedure, called Light-Assisted Stab Phlebectomy, or LASP are encouraging. Over 250 patients at UCLA have undergone the procedure, designed to remove branch varicose veins in the thighs, calves, and ankles.


Allergic to Pine Trees?

I'm so excited! I just got some new crochet jewelry from Laurie. I have been experimenting on photographing them. I want to show them off!

However, my photo talents seem to be limited. It's quite difficult to photograph jewelry, I am learning. I have these creative ideas, but am disappointed in the results. The whole picture doesn't stay in focus. So, I took the focused parts of the pictures and cropped them. And you are looking at the first results.

This necklace is like a Christmas present to me, so I hung it on my pine tree that is growing outside in my front yard. Suddenly, that tree stood up proud and embraced the idea of wearing this lovely decoration, and posed for me. But, maybe the necklace is allergic to pine trees. Or maybe it was just camera shy.