

These Shoes Were Made for Walking


Didn't sleep well last night, and I received an early phone call. It was Amy, who is the dog walker for Karen, the neighbor who shares her cat, Cinnamon with me. I had previously asked if I could walk with Amy when she takes Karen's dogs out. So, I went her. I was a little disappointed though, as Amy didn't want to take them but more than a block away. The Dachshund was raring to go, and keep on going, but the "redbone" hound that Karen adopted from Katrina (the hurricane/flood) was much slower. Mahree apparently is old, and has arthritis. At one point she literally stood still. I could tell how she was feeling as my arthritis does that to me, too. Sometimes just taking another step seems impossible. I wonder if they have anti-inflammatories for dogs.

Since I didn't walk very far, I won't "count it" as a walk.

Later, when Liz came home, we went walking, ( meandering). But we did 3,282 steps by going in the other direction than before. We stopped halfway and sat on a bench that one of her friends has in her front yard and chatted with her. She gave us cuttings of one of the flowers in her yard that I hope to plant.

I am proud of myself. It seems so incredible to me. Over 3,000 steps and no real negative after effects.

I spent the rest of the day on the computer trying to arrange for a flight so that Xavier, my son, and I can go to Texas for my parents Memorial. They both died within the last 17 months.

Since I could not find my old walking shoes, (not under the bed, not in the closet. Did I toss them?) this evening I went to Ross discount store and bought me a pair of Skechers for only $17. As my mother would say, if she were here, "they're ugly as sin". But they are Pink! I love them! They will be comfortable for this summer as they are sandals.

Getting the shoes was one more goal acheived....

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