

Slow but Steady Wins the Race

Awoke again with no pain, on just five hours sleep. I just can't fall asleep easily right now. I don't any racing thoughts or things on my mind like some people suggest is what happens when one has insomnia. My body gets comfortable and I just lay there semi-dosing waiting to drop off. I would have slept in a little to make up for it, but had NPO blood work to be drawn, so headed over to my regular doctor. She is an Oncologist and Internal Medicine specialist. So, whether or not I have active disease she takes care of most of my needs. 

Her partner was there today and came out to say hello during the blood draw. (this really is small-town medical practice). So, I asked if he ever gets Sarcoma patients, to which he answered, yes. He presently has three. So I told him about Team Sarcoma and my plans of getting myself stronger so that I can participate. Then, told him that I wanted to find ways to get Sarcoma Awareness out there in the community. He immediately ticked off a number of suggestions on his fingertips, and was very happy to hear more. I couldn't write down his ideas. Darned blood draws anyways! But, he suggested I send an email outlining the whole program. I would like to find someone in my community who can let their fingers do the walking around here, and get me some opportunities to connect with people for Sarcoma Awareness!

There just doesn't seem to be enough time in the day to take care of myself, the chondrosarcoma group and trying to set up a community network. But, I keep in my mind some words of wisdom I once learned: "Slow but steady wins the race." (said the Tortoise to the Hare.)

After returning home, I had to lie down for a while. This happens sporadically for me. I just know... that's it... time to lie down. Once I did that, I realized my right foot was ice cold. This happens and I don't know why. The lack of pelvic floor muscles? Pressure upon veins? I don't know. If I ignore it the whole leg becomes cold, and that gets painful. I don't like to take pain drugs, if I can handle it without them. So I keep reclined, warm my foot with the heating pad, and when it feels better, get up.

After I felt better I headed off to the local outdoor shopping mall and walked the sidewalk, which goes from the end of Target to beyond the grocery store with a number of shops in between. I began in the middle so I could walk one direction and come back. If too tired, I would get in car and go home. But, I kept on going to the end and returned. In the meantime, I made one walk through the whole perimeter of Target. I took a cart to "lean on" as that has been what I do when I use my walker, substitute cart for walker. I was getting tired (actually achy) enough that it helped to have the cart to stabilize me. I didn't shop, though it was tempting. I was just there to do my walk, with only one poky stop in the socks department. I did notice that when I slowed down or stopped that pain hit my Sacroiliac joint. Now I realize why shopping is such a drag for me. Well, other reasons, too. I just hate it when kids who have lost their parents have a basketball and stand at each end of the aisle hurling it back and forth like a missile. Then there are little kids in a cart who are leaning out screaming to reach Mama, who has her back turned. 

I usually like to shop after hours!

The absolute most amazing thing happened today!!! I had been thinking about wearing a T-shirt while I am out walking that has something about Sarcoma on it, so maybe it would trigger someone to ask me, "What's sarcoma?"

I tossed around some slogans:

Tame Sarcoma with Team Sarcoma What's Sarcoma? Just ask me.

But, finally I settled on: "Got Sarcoma?"

You know, like that ad that says, "Got Milk?" My Japanese sweetheart has a bumper sticker that says, "Got sushi?"

I figured wearing a shirt that says "Got Sarcoma?" At least those who have had it or know someone who has will have a comment to make, and therefore, I will have a lead to help create Sarcoma Awareness. Who knows maybe Oprah will see me and donate big time. Because, after all her House Designer guy, Nate Berkus did a re-design for Ty Bassett who had been amputated due to synovial cell sarcoma.

Hey Oprah, don't you wish sarcoma patients had a cure? You can make it happen!

Okay, nevermind, let's get back to the awesome coincidence and the T-shirt story. I looked in the yellow pages in the hopes of finding a T-shirt place. Lo and behold, there was one right here in Watsonville. So, I called, and the owner answered. Conversation went like this:

Hi, this is Doug.
Hi. I am wondering if I can get a shirt with a logo on it.

Do you mean one shirt?


We don't do one shirt orders. We make many at one time. Like for charities and organizations and so on.

Oh, darn. I was hopin'..

Well, it would be very expensive for just one.

I just want one. If it isn't too expensive. It is sort of for charity... for cancer.

Well, what would you want imprinted.

You know the slogan: "Got Milk?" I want a slogan that says, "Got Sarcoma?" because I....

Sarcoma? Why Sarcoma? His voice changed at this, and I suspected he knew the word that most don't.

Well, I had it and survived, and now I am getting ready to do a fund raising event and...
My dog's got sarcoma!!! She was just diagnosed 3 weeks ago!
Now I understood the unmistakable catch in his voice and the conversation was no longer about T-shirts.

We spoke a longer about the Sarcoma patient support groups online, and even the fact that there is one for dogs with cancers, and that dogs and cats are, or have been, members of my Chondrosarcoma group. By the time we got off the phone I would like to think that Doug has a bit of hope for a little while longer for his dog. I will stay in touch with him, even though he told me it would be easier to go to kinkos and get an iron on transfer made. Thanks Doug!!

You may think I am crazy for allowing pets to be members of my support group. Or to acknowledge them as Sarcoma Patients. I can't help myself. I was once told that the reason my surgeon was able to perform my internal hemipelvectomy on me (back in 1967) was because dogs had been used to perfect the surgery. So, in a roundabout way, I owe my life to a dog. So, why wouldn't I let them (or their people) join my group?

I don't think they experiment on dogs anymore for sarcoma. But, if they do, then they might have a cure sooner than humans will.
So, needless to say, today's walk is ALSO, dedicated to five year old Tina, the dog who has sarcoma in her throat, has had surgery, and presently is undergoing chemotherapy. May she have many more healthy years.

Because I still didn't find my pedometer, I just timed it. I was able to walk for 50 minutes

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